This document aims to offer information for individuals seeking to be involved in the project and is not a request for investment.
General Notice
The project-related tokens outlined in this document do not fall under the category of financial investment products such as securities, and their issuance should not be interpreted as an offer or solicitation of financial investment products. Numine is not designed for speculative purposes and does not confer any rights, such as real estate, intellectual property, other assets, or cash.
Numine does not qualify as a stock due to its lack of ownership rights conferred to distributors, nor does owning Numine grant individuals the privilege of participating in the decision-making processes pertaining to assets and business strategies.
There are no assurances of value or entitlements to any Numine revenue aside from the advantages gained from utilizing the service.
The content within this document, which includes details on the Distributor’s future business operations and financial condition, may be subject to periodic revisions.
The distribution and sale of this document during the project phase does not guarantee that its contents have remained unchanged.
The distributor does not guarantee that the information provided in this document is up-to-date, accurate, or comprehensive, and explicitly denies any such guarantee.
This document may contain information and publications from third-party sources. The information and data presented in this document are sourced from reliable sources, but the distributor has not personally verified them and does not guarantee their accuracy or completeness.
This document, whether in whole or part, should not be regarded as professional advice in the legal, financial, tax, or other fields.
It is important to understand that the evaluation and decision-making process regarding the purchase of Numine rests solely on the individual. Additional information regarding Numine can be requested from the Distributor.
The distributor has discretion, but not the force of law, to provide the requested additional information, considering all relevant circumstances, including ① whether there are any prohibitions or restrictions from a legal perspective and ② whether the requested additional information is reasonably necessary. This may include clarifying the content in the Whitepaper, assisting you in seeking professional advice, or influencing your decision to purchase the Coin.
Please be advised that this document serves solely for informational purposes and does not constitute a projection of future opportunities.
The distributor will be held accountable for any losses and damages, whether direct or indirect, foreseeable or not, that result from utilizing the information in this document regarding the distributor or the Numine ecosystem, as well as any further information requested by other recipients, regardless of any negligence, default, or lack of adequate guidance on the part of the distributor.
The reproduction of this document, other than the warnings and notices provided, is strictly prohibited and unauthorized by the distributor. The information presented below may not be comprehensive.
This document does not establish a legal relationship between the recipient of the document and the distributor, ensuring that the recipient cannot be obligated to pursue legal action against the distributor.
Purchasing Numine implies that you have thoroughly examined this document and have consented to Numine’s terms of offer. The information presented in this document does not establish any legal liability.
It is explicitly recognized and agreed upon that Numine is not classified as a security and does not yield any investment returns.
Numine and its related services are intended for the specific purposes outlined in this document, and distributors offer them as presented, in accordance with these intended uses to the best of their ability.
The distributor does not provide any guarantees or assurances (either stated or implied) regarding the usability, excellence, appropriateness, precision, sufficiency, or entirety of Numine and its related services, and explicitly denies them.
The distributor explicitly denies any responsibility for errors, delays, or omissions resulting from actions taken by you based on Numine and the related services.
We do not provide any warranties in relation to Numine and its related services distributed by third-party distributors, including warranties pertaining to non-infringement of third-party rights, name, merchantability, quality assurance, or suitability for a specific purpose.
The future performance and value of Numine cannot be assured, including its intrinsic worth, nor can its future value be guaranteed.
One should refrain from engaging in the transaction involving Numine unless they possess a thorough comprehension and acknowledgment of the distributor’s comprehensive business strategy and the associated risks of investing in Numine.
Numine was designed with the future capabilities of the Numine ecosystem in mind. The distributor explicitly denies any liability for potential losses associated with the acquisition of Numine.
There is no requirement for individuals to enter a contract or legal commitment when engaging in the sale or purchase of Numine. The Agreement Terms, outlined in a separate document, dictate the contractual relationship between the distributor and buyer for the sale and purchase of Numine. If there is a contradiction between the Contract Terms and this document, the Contract Terms will take precedence.
Risk Factors
Purchase of tokens
Numine should be acquired by individuals capable of seeking guidance from a financial or professional advisor with expertise in token trading, who possess a comprehensive understanding of the advantages and risks involved in the acquisition, or who have the financial capacity to absorb potential losses, including the risk of losing the entire sum invested in Numine.
No prior market
There is no assurance that a Numine-supported market or liquid funds trading market will be established, and if established, it must be viable for Numine to be traded on a cryptocurrency exchange.
Service that has not been completely developed
The value and demand for Numine are strongly influenced by the performance and commercial success of the Numine service. The distributor does not provide any assurances regarding the commercial viability of the Numine service. Furthermore, the Numine service has not reached its full development, finalization, and integration, and may undergo additional changes, modifications, updates, and adjustments prior to and following its launch. These alterations could lead to uncertain outcomes for users, thereby potentially influencing its overall success.
Risks related to uncertain losses
Numine is not safeguarded unless private insurance is obtained as a method of protection.
Therefore, there is no distinction between public and private insurance provided by the distributor for buyers in case of a loss of the tokens or their utility value.
Tax-related risks
Hence, the taxation system regarding tokens remains ambiguous. Individuals interested in acquiring Numine are advised to consult with a qualified accountant to address any financial considerations prior to making a decision on purchasing the Numine. The distributor does not provide information regarding potential tax implications that may result from acquiring or retaining Numine.
Last updated